2022-09-08 SILS Ops Meeting Notes
@Alison Ray (CDL) NZ Admin, CDL
@Caitlin Nelson SILS Service Manager, CDL
@Joseph Ferrie CDL (as needed)
@Gem Stone-Logan NZ Admin, CDL
Lena Zentall, CDL (only Thursdays)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | STANDING ITEM: review Task Report | any blockers on tasks? | 5 | all |
2 | STANDING ITEM: Any AskSILS / SILS News or other tool requests? | Are there blockers for anything that’s come in? Are there any we need to talk about? | 5 | CN |
3 | Update, or create an equivalent page, for current SILS phase. |
| Gem | It looks like this is the only Report an Alma/Primo VE problem page we have and it was written to be effective through October, 2021.
| @Gem Stone-Logan to schedule time with @Caitlin Nelson to revise this. | |
4 | Sandbox Search/Performance Issues | Determine if there’s any next steps we should be doing |
| Gem | The sandbox slowness is causing delays for SCP with some of the tests they’re due to worries it’ll slow down the sandbox even more. We also expect it’ll impact the CDLNZ-PT group. Extrapolating from current status, we may be looking at weeks of incomplete searching and excessive slowness in the sandbox. We did not know to expect anything other than general slowness. We did not realize that searching would stop working for bib and user records NOR did it sound like the Alma support person knew that. Support seems to suggest an interpretation that the language change made it not work, not the indexing itself.
Deciding: escalate via email to the ExL support managers; paste the email into the tickets too, for continuity. |
| @Alison Ray (CDL) email sils-cohort that psb reindexing issues have been escalated for resolution Sep 23, 2022 |
5 | Review and offer feedback by 9/12 before sending to OT. |
| Gem | Read and review for Monday CJAG |
| |
6 | Analytics Extension Suggestion (only if time) | Determine response and/or next steps |
| Gem | Someone at CDL saw a presentation that uses the Analytics API to provide access to specific reports without requiring an NZ account. This approach has an advantage over static options, such as email, because users have the ability to run ad hoc as well as potentially modify filters. Does this make sense to explore more? Who would be responsible for evaluating and/or implementing this? It’s coding. There needs to be a page on a web server. For reference: This is the code referenced. |
| @Caitlin Nelson grab a project template to start brainstorming. |
7 | Wrap up | Review actions and decisions | 5 |
8 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
| Collections process automation; Let’s wait until the needs assessment of CDL Shared Collections re:SILS has been started. (Joe/Gem) enable public (anonymous) view of user profiles in confluence? (Alison) add ‘term’ (years member will serve in sils gov; eg “Alison Ray, 2022-2026”) to SILS Rosters page Jun 15, 2023 add a ‘why contact SOC’/'what services SOC provides' sub-part to SOC landing page (eg. reports, configs from OSTs) |
9 |
| Total | x/x |
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