2024-08-13 All Chairs Meeting notes

2024-08-13 All Chairs Meeting notes


  • Sarah Lindsey, OT Chair

    • Lakshmi Arunachalam, incoming chair OT!

  • Tammy Guziejka, Acquisitions Operations Subteam chair

  • TJ Kao, Resource Management Operations Subteam chair

    • Catherine Busselen, RM vice-chair

  • Sandra Farfan-Gracia, Fulfillment Operations Subteam chair

  • Tamara Pilko, E-Resources Operations Subteam chair

    • Jharina Pascual, Eres incoming chair!

  • Jared Campbell, Discovery Operations Subteam chair

    • Zoe Tucker, Discovery vice-chair!

  • Caitlin Nelson, SILS Operations Center at CDL representative

  • Kristen Van Vliet – Resource Sharing Subteam Chair

    • TBD, incoming RS vice chair!

  • Anna Seiffert - Leadership Group vice-chair


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








Subteam Roundup

Check-in on OSTs - capture any shared issues or cross-team task or anything you think we should know





Questions from Slack

FYI on anything quick that came up



Reminder: Ex Libris support meeting this Friday!




OT / LG updates

Inform on salient issues from OT and LG



NZ Access: sent email to chairs for review!

OT: Nothing much hot going on. See meeting notes.

LG: New contract! Great metrics, and Workstream Improvement Project.




Workplan Review

Get an update on how each OST is handling workplan updates.

Questions to think about:

  • How often do you meet?

  • Where do your workplan items come from? (local issues, ExL tickets, aspirations, etc.)

  • How much bug fixing / maintenance / aspirational stuff do you get done?

  • How much does harmonization play into your work?


Caitlin / team

Round robin for who’s doing what with your workplan!

ACQ: We only meet monthly, and we are more of a discussion group at this point. I never had a chance to look at the workplan and maybe this is a good time to revisit what we want to do.

OT: (Meets every other week) Decided not to have a workplan - instead we’re more of a responsive group that takes things as they come in.

Discovery: (Meet every other week) We look at the quarterly feature release, that’s a regular part of our charter. We’re also going back through our list of things that’s been there since implementation - we got two done last year! We will add a line for the Next Discovery Experience, when that comes in. We are creating a short list of things to focus on this year. In addition to being on the systemwide group, we’re all on the local groups - so we see local tickets where there are pain points locally. We share what tickets we’re generating locally so other people know what’s going on - and we can consolidate with ExL. In the back of our minds, we have aspirations - but in reality we’re focusing on “keep the lights on stuff.” We’re kind of sysadmin heavy on our group - it would be nice to do more UX stuff. We do ask about harmonization, but haven’t been able to get there…

LG: (meet every other week, but cancel frequently). We reviewed our workplan in May, and most of these items are fairly new at this point. We also do a lot of spawning of project teams and oversight of those. Stuff tends to come from DOC, or from self-generated ideas.

eRes: We sometimes generate issues that pop up for escalation! Our licensing stuff is so multi-functional. We haven’t met yet this year - we meet every other week as a formal meeting, then the off week are optional troubleshooting sessions like office hours. Some of the asks we get require a level of harmonization that we haven’t been able to achieve yet, so there’s some frustration. We’re not doing any aspirational stuff so far.





Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion









50 minutes






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