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1 | Checkin/quick updates/anything from slack or email | | 10 | All | How will design decisions be made in EUOS? Joanna relayed how it works up to the point of getting feedback on designs. How will final decisions be made? Will logos or other materials be optional for campuses or mandatory for all 10? If mandatory, further approval may be needed. Need to know before 1/29 CoUL meeting. Clearinghouse of outreach materials: Press releases is what EUOS is envisioning, customized to whether they are Alma already. Kimmy attended an EUOS meeting. No decision yet on branded assets. How is it going as PM in IT? relaying information back and forth - going well? Making progress! Getting to know how Ex Libris works, i.e., getting questions in writing in advance.
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2 | SILS Town Hall for All (UC-wide TH) | Review slides with Com Leads | 15 | PMs + Com Leads | MC: Adrian Slides: Ben (and will start recording) Q&A traffic: Adrian will monitor, PMs will push to appropriate chairs via zoom chat Zoom chat (sharing links): PMs
| PMs and Com Leads hop on the meeting at 10:50 | |
3 | Premortem followup work | Finish premortem followup work. | 15 | | Premortem checkins - Continue work | | |
4 | Training, IC, PPC, SSM | Is anything blocked or behind schedule? What deliverables are coming in the next week? Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? Do you need anything?
| 5 | All | Special topics meetings refresher Find out what would be the steps in bringing an proposal for purchasing an system for the infohub, if necessary Update on training documentation below (haven’t received anything yet, not sure how this will actually look like. Expect to have more information after they meeting with IT tomorrow).
Training documentation (followup from SILS Chairs) Confirm whether training docs gathered by Internal Training need to be approved/vetted (by PPC?)? Everyone will have access to the documents at UC (sharing link) Documents would have a first vetting/editing pass from IT before moving along for approval. Including a check for accessibility, DEI. Who would do this? IT. What’s the risk? inaccurate content, doesn’t meet accessibility standards. Content vetting would be PPC or appropriate FG if obvious. Risk: Do FGs have time for this? Final stamp of approval needed? who would give this? Doesn’t seem necessary. Verified/vetted indicated on the document or by placement in a labeled folder “verified”, “in process”, etc.
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5 | EUOS | Is anything blocked or behind schedule? What deliverables are coming in the next week? Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? Do you need anything?
| 10 | All | EUOS / IT de-brief about training gap meeting Related: how are self-organized local teams being organized/who’s responsible for them? (TOC disbanded, correct)?
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6 | SILS All Chairs meeting (recurring) Note-taking: Facilitating: Monitoring chat: All Track attendance:
Post to SILS Chairs slack channel on Monday before meeting: If no agenda items or pressing issues by EOD Monday, we’ll cancel the Wednesday meeting. | Topics for next meeting: Jan 27 | 0 | All | | | |
7 | Parking Lot | | | | | | |
8 | | | 5 | All | Any actions or decisions missed? | | |
9 | | Total | 50/50 | | | | |