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1 | Updates - from All-Chairs, Leadership Group, etc. | | 24 minutes | Jackie/Team | SILS LG (Lynne) Continued work on SILS Patron Privacy & Data Security Team charge & membership. Goal to get to DOC for July meeting SILS LG membership and Vice Chair discussion Discussed and formed small team to draft Process for reporting SILS Principles concerns REST API discussion and faculty access request at UCSC
AC update (Jackie) ELUNA highlights (team) Gem expressed an interest in having ELUNA sessions recorded for future use/distribution/review website shared by Xiaoli - some ELUNA slides from the 2024 meeting are available: Ex Libris Knowledge Days and ELUNA Events 2024 (dryfta.com) Greg would like to see a duplication of sessions so thereās more flexibility in the schedule possible change in the voting system to address various existing issues transformative agreements changes also upcoming ExL is setting up a new accessibility program to assess accessibility compliance of their various products - revisit this topic in a future OT meeting
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2 | Topics or questions for the Ex Libris Support Meeting | | 4 minutes | Sarah/Gem Ā | Document shared by Gem on 5/8/24: ExL Support Cases May 2024 Last meeting was 5/24/24 Root Cause Analysis discussed When a production system is down for more than 5 minutes, the root cause analysis is done automatically. Otherwise, one must request it specifically. suggestion by Sarah to request these analyses more often
Next meeting is on 6/21/24
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3 | SILS Membership Transition | | 7 minutes | Jackie | Sarah will send the poll via Slack today Sarah has already started attending AC meetings as part of the transition process membership by individual campuses is determined by each campus - no official time limit for SILS OT members Current SILS Roster
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4 | Q & A Session - Including Questions on Slack since last meeting | | 0 mins | Team | | Ā | Ā |
5 | OCLC Meridian Service | Ā | 6 minutes | John | For discussion (from Slack on 5/10/24): OCLC Meridian Service Background from John: after reading the mention of Meridian in 5/9 RM-OST minutes and discussing locally at UCLA, it seemed to make sense for a RM-OST-sponsored demo to take place for all of UC's benefit and consideration.Ā When I mentioned that possibility to the RM-OST chair, the question arose about whether it is appropriate for the OST to receive a price quote as part of that demo request.Ā Should we request recommendation from RM-OST as to whether the service seems useful/compelling, and if so, say that a request for price quote would come us or another higher SILS unit? RM OST held demo 5/28 for interested UC. OCLC recording here will expire in 120 days. Questions posed by Caitlin:
Next step: get input from RM OST Side question: is this part of SILS?
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6 | Project Team Check-in: OARM-PT | | 13 minutes | Jackie | | Ā | Ā |
7 | Project Team Check-in: EIMP-PT? | | 0 mins | Jackie | | Ā | Ā |
8 | Pending projects / materials: | | 0 mins | Team | | Ā | Ā |
9 | Executive Session | Private discussion as needed | 0 mins | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |
10 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion | 0 mins | Ā | Taking the Temperature Survey Discuss Responses from Survey, particularly the What worries you? and What are you most excited about? sections incorporate into the reboot
Lessons Learned on Kanopy kbase from UCSC Project Team Check-ins (quarterly basis - last check in was around March 2024) Signature Success Program RNPT update in June/July? Known Issues with Alma/Primo VE Alma Consortia Advocacy Group (ACAG) updates as needed SSO use in the NZ - updates from Gem as needed New workplan - does OT need a new workplan? Alma Data Privacy - annual reminder
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11 | Ā | | 54 minutes | Ā | Ā | Ā | Ā |