2024-05-29 RS OST meeting notes
@Kristen Van Vliet , UC Berkeley (vice chair)
@Jason Newborn , UC Davis (chair)
@Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine
@Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside
@Helena Gagnon , UC Santa Barbara
@Dawson Kelly (UCSC) , UC Santa Cruz
@Ryan White , UC San Francisco
@Judea D'Arnaud , UC San Diego
@Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library
@Demitra Borrero , UC Merced
regrets: @Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles ;
Zoom URL: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97976196284?pwd=K3MrREN2NUlGZmhEaGpBMzRRWFJmQT09
Topic / Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
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1 | make sure Jason records meeting / any announcements? | 1 | Jason |
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2 | Members rotating off for next cycle | 5 | Jason | Is anyone leaving? no one present is leaving |
3 | <puppydog eyes>Anyone up for vice chair?</> | 5 | Jason |
4 | Building Use only group results (joint group with F OST & RLF rep) | 15 | Helena | scanning in ‘wrong' barcodes, missing ‘lib use only’ notes; recommendation: attach bookband (cohort only) to these items; use green or yellow paper to help bookband stand out (separate from regular ill bookband) looking to pilot in (fall semester) July-Dec 2024 with RLF items question: documentation outlining recommendation & pilot? group will evaluate pilot in early 2025; then make decision page based off evaluation question: what criteria is used for evaluation analytic (different UCs use different checkout procedures for lib use only items). Many sites check out to patron, but keep item in library with short due date (or forget to check back in); some don’t check out to patron at all larger question: AFN items still can’t be checked out with reading room; do UCs want to even use reading room procedure for AFN (or in general??) - not in use in all sites |
| subgroup will ask RS OST & F OST about lib use only procedures for AFN items (informs evaluation strategy) |
5 | Subgroup roundup | 5 | Available subgroup members | TDRII: June 14 2024 meeting for deliverables (dupe request & due date transfer) P2P: looking into digitization workflows & configuration analytics: reviewing survey of reports & matching to use cases |
6 | Analytics / paper tracking reminder: shared example of UCB tracking sheet (also keeping paper slips w/ request info) | 5 | Jason | starts next week! |
7 | Do we need a subgroup for pickup anywhere problems? Revisit --
| 10 | Jason | potential ideas: Questions:
too many subgroups rn to start this project; → move to work plan | moved to work plan | revisit at a later meeting; do some Analytics digging |
8 | Wrap up / Review actions and decisions | 5 |
9 | (bike rack) Capture important topics for future discussion
| Analytics – Volunteer campuses: take a Month(June) for manual/paper request tracking to compare known AFN requests with what’s appearing in Analytics [RS OST SC notes 5/1/23: This is really old! Do we have a ticket for it??? hold for consideration post Tipasa implementation]: ‘pick up anywhere exceptions’: review shared messages, what would be next steps |
10 | Total | x/x |
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