2022-08-24 RS OST meeting notes

2022-08-24 RS OST meeting notes


  • @Patrick SHANNON (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis (vice chair)

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz, note taker

  • @Peter Devine , UC San Diego

  • @Ryan White , UC San Francisco

  • @Sandra Farfan-Gracia , UC Los Angeles

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library (chair)

  • regrets: , @Demitra Borrero (Demitra Borrero), UC Merced, @Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







record meeting

make sure Alison records meeting





reminder: OCLC ‘guest spot’ next meeting (8/31)

OCLC still working on sandboxes - no preview planned next week

topics: discuss Tipasa training sessions, a calendar of ongoing office hours, etc



email from OCLC about what we want to test, feedback so far, “would it be possible to get ‘sandbox’ non UC partners??”

Did OCLC agree to sandbox first and then maybe live overlay? They didn’t say no.


@Alison Ray (CDL) send email from OCLC to sils-rs-l about what we want to test for more feedback (deadline monday morning)

OCLC Real Time Availability

I’m interested but haven’t looked into this in any real way, anyone else interested or looked into this?

I assume we can do this individually… am I wrong?



costs? probably no additional costs…

each site can decide independently for this option; mostly affects lending side in OCLC/WSILL

  1. each site can decide independently for this option

@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) will move forward investigating and share findings with the group.


F OST library directory & ILL CKG directory

ILL CKG directory

Library Fulfillment Directory

ILL CKG would like to decomission their directory in favor of one directory within SILS; RS OSTers would be responsible for identifying/filling in RS parts of F directory

Feedback on F directory to joint list: SILS-FFRS-L at ucop.edu



Provide feedback about:

  • format

  • content

  • what’s missing (if anything) that is present on the CKG directory that should be added




AFN form journal/article title double populate

is this happening systemwide? → yes….

has anyone filed a case? → no

phase 4 case???? maybeeee


Linda Michelle

Another question: do we want to have a page tracking general SF cases related to resource sharing?

sources (incoming requests): blank form, OURLs missing atitle, journal title requests, switching from book to article; (when have a piece but don’t have the piece title, just item title) → applies to all partial requests (CNR)?


@Alison Ray (CDL) file ticket about FN requests, (when have a piece but don’t have the piece title, just item title) , double item title Aug 30, 2022

Another question: do we want to have a page tracking general SF cases related to resource sharing / FN?




What would be the scope of this page? When would you add a case?

Combine with analytics page?

Add tags for categories or projects.


@Alison Ray (CDL) generalize RS A PT confluence page about SF cases (add column for category, anything else needed) Aug 31, 2022
@Jason Newborn add your case to the page.
@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) add case 06474638

requests getting stuck at the LRFs after they go to LA or Berkeley




Mallory submitted a case (06474638) about this. Was reminded that this is a “known issue”.

One tactic for dealing with this as a borrower: find those requests

  • (facet to status = request sent to partner, active partner = Berkeley & LA)

  • Jason exports to excel and sorts by “update date”. Determine your “level of pain” (ie how old does a request need to be for you to move it along?)

Then manually move them to the next partner in the rota. Scott and/or Jason will demo in the 9/7 meeting.

Will discuss possible solutions in sept 7 meeting



Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Bike Rack

Capture important topics for future discussion



‘pu anywhere exceptions’: review shared messages, what would be next steps
metrics on how often ‘pu anywhere’ requests have to be changed to home campus (Jason) → may lead to: editing pu loc for this requests → may lead to: harmonizing bookbands

is the “randomized” part of the rota building actually randomizing things? Jason has a hunch that within the geographical groups it’s creating them alphabetically. (discovered in reviewing schedule c report)

RLF requests sticking at B/LA when RLF can’t fill, identify what’s happening, what could be done to ease this problem Sep 7, 2022

Should we have some kind of organized review of release notes that apply to resource sharing? (Mallory)


@Alison Ray (CDL)for RS OST 9/7/22 meeting: RLF requests sticking at B/LA when RLF can’t fill, identify what’s happening, what could be done to ease this problem Sep 1, 2022









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