2022-12-14 RS OST meeting notes


  • @Patrick SHANNON (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis (vice chair)

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles

  • @Demitra Borrero (Demitra Borrero), UC Merced;

  • @Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz, note taker;

  • @Peter Devine , UC San Diego

  • @Ryan White , UC San Francisco

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library (chair)

  • regrets:


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







record meeting

make sure Alison records meeting





List of gaps uncovered by Tipasa Pilot

review list: make sure gaps are described accurately, any gaps missing?


Tipasa Piloters

Feel free to add to the list.

“showstopper” column would indicate need for sign off before implementation is done.

Missing: not showing pickup location

Adding a “Tipasa only” section, capturing stuff that Tipasa isn’t doing adequately





Tipasa transition next phase: testing OCLC’s filling of gaps

Identify questions to simmer about for this decision page:

eg. potential ‘golive’ date for Summer 2023

For next time (end of Jan):
make official UC RS OST decision page for next phase.
include: level of effort UC RS OST able to give to OCLC; deadline for OCLC to fill gaps to consider summer 2023 golive; next fall back date if OCLC does not deliver



After official end of pilot make a decision page outlining failures and describe next phase (testing rather than implementation). Include sign off requirements and date by which we sign off on them.

Also include description of:

  • Next steps

  • why we don’t just leave Tipasa entirely if needs are not met.




Logistics for Jan meetings

First meeting of new year?

Jan 4? (First weds of year)

Jan 11? (Alison out that day)

Jan 18? → CKG



Jan 4 not popular

Move first meeting to ninth

cancel jan 11; cancel jan 18


@Alison Ray (CDL) Move first meeting to ninth; cancel jan 11; cancel jan 18; Dec 14, 2022

OCLC’s real time availability: has anyone got this working?

issues at UCSC, is that more widespread??

UCR working in Tipasa sandbox

UCB not working in Tipasa sandbox

UCD got it by surprise in WSILL (now turned off). Rejecting things that they were not expecting to be rejected.

UCSC not working in WSILL



Mallory to forward email to Alison from OCLC about Z3950 errors

UCB waiting on a meeting with Tony to chat about their issues

Open questions: How does RTA handle multi volume monographs? How does RTA handle serials?




Campus closure

any desire to harmonize about what to do during curtailment



hold requests until after curtailment

let requests wait until after curtailment




Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Bike Rack

Capture important topics for future discussion



‘pu anywhere exceptions’: review shared messages, what would be next steps
metrics on how often ‘pu anywhere’ requests have to be changed to home campus (Jason) → may lead to: editing pu loc for this requests → may lead to: harmonizing bookbands

is the “randomized” part of the rota building actually randomizing things? Jason has a hunch that within the geographical groups it’s creating them alphabetically. (discovered in reviewing schedule c report)

NRLF/SRLF rejected stuck at B/LA follow up: SH’s ‘guide’; test with what B/LA see; more escalation with ExL (scott, Mallory, Jason, patrick)

ExL’s solicitation to “contribute to the Resource Sharing Directory”. Kind of a huge thing that we should think about? (Mallory) → maybe after P2P investigation…












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