2020-04-28 Op Leads Meeting notes


Apr 28, 2020 11-12



  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Bill Hackenberg (UCLA) (Unlicensed), PM Leads

  • @Caitlin Nelson, interim project lead for ICs

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads

  • @Neil Weingarten, PM Leads

Not Attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Co-chairs update

Is 60 minutes enough for a joint meeting? Do we need 90 minutes for the next month or so to ramp up? (see how today’s meeting goes)



(CN: yes to 90min or a second meeting later in the week)




Com Leads: SILS News on Vanguard

SILS News announcing vanguard institutions. What are the key points to make? Deadline: Weds 4/29.


Adrian, Ben, Caitlin

Draft here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GM4-e-etVrszGoL-o_71MSXz7qviClzVIEFo40Hxi-Q/edit

Ben/Adrian have the ball on this.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will determine if SILS blog can be automatic.

Com Leads: Editorial calendar & pending news

Set target deadlines for SILS News in the queue. Who to work with? When is it due?

  • SILS News on Introductory Getting to Know videos to Alma/Primo (?) (send to SILS-COHORT) too.

  • SILS News announcing Phase 3 report published on the website with endorsed SILS recommendations in the body of the email (Danielle writes/Lena posts PDF-next week)

  • SILS News about how the decision-making process works: transparency with decision pages, supergroups are ready to expand if needed and remind folks that the wiki will be open

  • Other time critical news?

Possible Editorial Calendar



  • Would it help to give Ben and Adrian Basecamp access? That way they can look at the schedule to see what’s coming up… Though it’s kind of a jumble of stuff…

  • SILS FAQ will be pending ASAP also!

  • SILS News on P3 report should be able to be sent out by next Friday.




Com Leads: External asks

  • Coordinate external asks of other institutions: Is this a duty for Com Leads? Is this a problem that needs solving?

  • Ideas: Advise cohort to read peer institution wikis; have a Q&A with SUNY or CSU on x date, submit your questions by x date, we’ll record it. SUNY conference on Alma migration in 2019 & 2020.

  • Resources: ELUNA email list - how should this be used? Sarah Lindsey is co-chair of ELUNA CA regional users group. 

  • What are other pre-existing resources where questions might have been asked?



  • This came up again in IC Monday and PPC on Friday. People are getting really excited about communicating with our peer institutions.

  • UCLA did a 90-min session with CSU LA and sent them these questions in advance.

    • IC steering recommends perhaps that each campus local implementation team be paired with with a “buddy” campus who’s already gone through a migration and can have a chat?

    • Also we’d like to possibly see some functional area Q&As with peer institutions - how to arrange?

  • 5 campuses have already gone through a migration! First line = Alma/Primo reps on your own teams. If that rep can’t answer the question, they might know someone who can (at UC).

  • Buddy system: Can we pair an Alma UC with a non-Alma UC?

  • ELUNA: the listserv was a big resource for us - we posted a lot of questions there and got some really good answers.

  • What documentation is available: CSU, CARLI, SUNY =

  • What is a line for communication for questions?

    • First line is your own group, or another obvious SILS group

  • Second line is Ex Libris

    • Good at “can” and “options”, maybe not so good at “should”

    • Once you have the option on the table, ExL can articulate ramifications

  • Third line is the ELUNA lists

    • Might be better at “should” - what is your experience with this option?


@Caitlin Nelson Bring Buddy system discussion to ICs: do you find value in this? Is this feasible?
@Caitlin Nelson communications / questions triage to the ICs and PPCs.

RACI for Communication Leads

Agreement on work.

Anything missing?








Volunteer to compile all data? (Drive folder)

Volunteers to work on mitigations?

  • Flag anything that needs attention by WG, Chairs, PPC, DOC, SGTF, TOC

Deadline: May 12



Caitlin would be interested in compiling / pattern-seeking - possible mitigations.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to schedule a meeting with @Caitlin Nelson and@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) to work on the mitigations

Cohort member absences and replacements

Focus on the medium impact area and brainstorm mitigations.

  • Low impact: gone for 2 weeks (inform your group chairs)

  • Medium impact: out for extended period or unknown amount of time or other work takes priority so you have less time to devote to SILS (discuss with your group chairs to assess upcoming work + campus decides to temporarily replace or not) – This is the one to focus on. How can we minimize churn here?

  • High impact: withdraw from project (inform your group chair + campus replaces you)



  • Bill was previously indicating his strong suggestion for naming a backup for critical team members due to concerns over COVID-19 Pandemic even before we get to a “medium impact” situation.

  • ICs went ahead and named backups here:

  • Do we need to just have a low and high impact because the medium impact has many of the same implications as the medium?

Share as a Cohort message

@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) and @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) to draft absences message, Com Leads edit, approve by WG.

Internal Training liaisons

Irvine, Riverside, Merced:

Members of the Internal Training group, among many other tasks, will be fully responsible for staff training at their locations (including scheduling, assigning trainers for each class, determining who takes what, etc.), as well creating supplementary training material specific to their location and coordinating post-live training. I'm concerned anyone at a Liaison level (step b) will not have the time or background to properly perform these tasks when the time comes, at least not without mitigation practices in place - such as assigning them a "battle buddy" from one of the other campuses. 



  • short meeting with 3 campuses to ensure they are comfortable as liaisons. Neil and co-chairs from Internal Training.




Training needs for Network Zone

Agree on a training plan / how to make a training plan


Caitlin / Neil

While we have been focused on the ICs, the PPC / Functional Groups / ELGs need training in order to make good decisions about policies, especially about the Network Zone. In May, ExL will be presenting an overview intro session to the ICs, and can make a second one for the PPC. Caitlin is working with them to arrange Q&A sessions for all the ICs, PPC, and FGs as well by the first week of June.

It would be great to have the TOC help out with coordinating the reading / videos / training that the cohort will need to ask good questions in that late May / early June session. Can Caitlin and Neil work together on this?




Ongoing Com Leads work

  1. Project FAQ (+SILS abbreviations)





@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to meet with @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) to review the abbreviations. Link

Ongoing PM Leads work

  1. Tracking SILS co-chairs (TOC is the only group that does not have a chair)

  2. Team Charter: Complete so we can share with the other groups as an example:

    1. Objective

    2. How we work together statements







Parking Lot

Timeline for project wiki














Future Agenda items

  1. PM Leads to determine what the highest value meeting time would be for SILS project co-chairs (Chris & Günter) to join a meeting/participate.

  2. RACI Com Leads


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu