2022-05-26 Meeting notes

2022-05-26 Meeting notes

May 26, 2022 02:00-03:00 PM


  • @Adam Baron

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Catherine Busselen

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia, Chair

  • @Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (notes)






Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates/announcements (Please add in advance)





I put a copy in the RM google drive of information from the Acquisitions OS, "Copy of UCI CZ records for GOBI-purchased ebooks", https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x31KFginy2e5oO1cJ65NY1p8VHiYi64k/edit#gid=439798835 The Acquisitions OS is gathering data on the record quality of the gobi-purchased ebooks using CZ records and the UCI rep shared this with me. They are studying the bib record quality with an eye to talking to vendors and advocating for quicker improvement in CZ record quality. Our rep is wondering if the we would be interested in this sort of data

UCSD, UCSC are doing GOBI updates weekly, UCB daily



  • subject headings reflecting old terminology, Evacuation and relocation, instead of new terminology, Forced removal and internment

    • UCB has worked with Gem. Adam will follow up for updated lists

    • about 1,200 records, excluding serials


@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) will update RM occasionally with information as the Acq group shares.



WorldCat Updates

Confirm whether it’s ok to start bringing serial records in through updates

20 mins


are there campus problems with the bib data or mostly the reporting issues?

UCLA: concern with reporting, some nervousness, but not concern with Bib record updates

UCB: would like to postpone the beginning so they have time to research, and prepare for the process.

For testing, there is a collection that runs now for serials, but is not loaded. We could let this run a few days and then check the results


Begin July 1 instead of June 1 to allow more time for campuses to prepare processes

Will review the Daily updates in general at some point in the future.

Will plan a dedicated session on the daily updates


Updating rules

Formally approve some changes

Decide on release date

15 mins


start date for applying changes we have already approved.

regular updating schedule - relate the timing to the database refresh

Make changes before refresh . Do early July for an August refresh (Aug. 14, 2022)

Decisions: Confirm the current decisions in a couple of weeks UC Network Zone Rule Change Request Tracking Page




@Elizabeth Miraglia and @Hermine Vermeij will touch base with Sils sysops


All: Review current decisions locally over next 2 weeks, including:

remove all 9xx, except 936 during bib import

From SCP: For Norm rule on removing all 9xx except 936. I was wrong, I forgot that CDL/SCP GOBI records use 924, 925, 926, 930, 936, 946, plus any 949. may we protect them? Thank you.

001 + 003 - delete them to make sure they do not combine in a duplicative 035 OCLC number. UCB has concerns about non-OCLC 035s

650 _4: UCSB wants to load vendor sets into NZ for foreign language sets. Wants to be able to use the allUC rule and keep the 650 _4

will postpone this decision for next round. Can discuss with display about suppressing display/allowing display at NZ and local level. Sandbox testing next quarter. May have uses with DEIA work in future


NZ SRU decision

Campus feedback, vote if possible

10 mins


NZ SRU: Enrich with Member Availability



Approved by RM



Non-Gobi shelf ready

Updates/new questions

10 mins (time permitting)






Parking Lot/additional discussion




  • How to share the recording from the boundwith session. Put in RM google drive. Reps can share the link. Will expire after 30 days. After that must download a copy from the google drive for a local copy.

  • RM has a a page for sharing information on the confluence page

  • UCSD: FTP profile problem with large files (there is a limit to size). contact Liz if have problems.


@Elizabeth Miraglia will check with Stacy about shelf-ready group.

All - Report any feedback about today’s boundwith session and any topic suggestions.

Future Session: on Worldcat updates










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