2022-06-23 Meeting notes

2022-06-23 Meeting notes

Jun 23, 2022 02:00-03:00 PM


  • @Adam Baron (notes)

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Catherine Busselen

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)


  • @Elizabeth Miraglia , Chair

  • @Shi Deng



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates/announcements (Please add in advance)


10 mins


Hermine (UCLA):

  • We finally have something usable for cataloging statistics (after a significant time commitment from a programmer).

Liz (UCSD):

  • All Chairs voted for the “Improve letter editing functionality” enhancement (7876) since it covers a lot of functional areas, and the “not” search option wasn’t a true Boolean NOT. https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/r52gTE85




Updating rules

Approve changes

10 mins


https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/MQUefLeL has the changes made in the sandbox for testing:

  •  In both normalization rules (allUC 1 and 2):

    • 6XXs with _4 are no longer stripped from incoming records

    • The 001 and 003 are now removed from incoming records

  •  In the merge rule #1:

    • The 773 and 774 are no longer protected from overlay

Comments after testing? Ok to make changes in production?

 allUC MDE External Search Merge #1 - Any volunteers to work on that one?

No concerns, but should be tested before updating in production.

6XX _4
UCSB tested and is working as expected. Approved change to implement with this update.

Continue testing; hope to implement with the next update.

allUC MDE External Search Merge #1 will be updated in the sandbox.

@Hermine Vermeij will test 773/774 changes in sandbox.

@Hermine Vermeij will update rules in production and send email to SILS cohort list.

@Catherine Busselen will update allUC MDE External Search Merge #1 in the sandbox to match the result of allUC merge rule #1.


WorldCat Updates for serials


5 mins


https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/QKHm0kkM Ok to begin including serials on July 1?


@Elizabeth Miraglia will make the change at the beginning of July and let people know when it starts.


Authority control

Discuss what the current state in Alma and next steps

10 mins



Comments from campuses?


@Hermine Vermeij will ask Gem about someone from RM running reports on headings that could not be linked so we can review.

@Hermine Vermeij will ask Gem to switch off PTC completely in the NZ.


Order records in Alma

Check in on any needed changes/questions related to the Acq decision

5 min


Use of (Brief) Order Records in NZ/IZ

Updates on NZ linking job?

When running the NZ linking job, campuses are experiencing multi-matches that must be resolved individually. Currently, it is not too onerous and there are fewer multi-matches since implementing WorldCat Updates; however, there are concerns if there are a lot of multi-matches at one time.

The NZ linking job cannot ignore CZ records because it is needed for SCP.

Running the NZ linking job is a manual process. For campuses that are trying to schedule and automate as much of the process as possible, the NZ linking job is extra work that may get overlooked.


@Elizabeth Miraglia and @Hermine Vermeij will reach out to Stacy to arrange a meeting to discuss this decision further.


Parking Lot/additional discussion




Alma Publishing to OCLC

  • Next RM-OST sharing session will be on LHRs and publishing profiles

    • Jared Campbell at UCD has agreed

    • Catherine Busselen and Marcia Barrett will share how they set up the Alma Publish Bibliographic job.

Limited Search Functionality in Alma and Analytics


@Catherine Busselen will send out an email to request an update to the MARC validation for an invalid standard number.










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