2022-10-27 Meeting notes

2022-10-27 Meeting notes

Oct 27, 2022 02:00-03:00 PM


  • @Adam Baron

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Shi Deng (notes)

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)


  • @Catherine Busselen

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia , Chair



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates/announcements (Please add in advance)


10 mins






Feedback on WCUs session?


5 mins


UCLA - a colleague was inspired to try to write a norm rule that screened out non-UC $5 fields--proof of concept is in sandbox (called EZ_Test_remove inst symbols). It works so far--would just need all the potential UC $5 codes added to it.

UCD - has a Primo normalization rule prevents any 5xx and 7xx with $5 non-UCD MARC organization code, see example #1 and #2 in Sandbox Primo

Question: Is this something that would be implemented depending on campuses? or for all campuses being protected? workload impact?


All: work on compiling a list of $5 codes your institution has used.


Check in on CJK


10 mins


Decision page: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/XFg9tfFu

Any updates?

Hermina shared that if run in production it would be May-ish 2023, so we have more time if needed

UCLA - finally heard back from Korean cataloger; very happy with result in sandbox.

  • TJ and Shi suggested UCLA Korean cataloger to test more with different scripts and limit by language: Korean, can use this one as an example to see each of these three search come up with same result number in Sandbox and Sandbox Primo

한국 영화 연감 = 韓國 映画 年鑑 = 韓國 映畫 年鑒

Do we feel comfortable recommending that this get done in production? (It might not happen until the spring.)

  • Japanese catalogers seems satisficed with the result tested

  • TJ found issue with Korean Hangul and Hancha and hope Korean catalogers can help

Not much action on the Primo tickets.





Rule changes


15 mins


Review outstanding change requests: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/0F5UWuar

Can we approve any for a fall update?

  • Remove all 9XX rule, SCP has concerns that for GOBI load we use 7 9XX fields and these fields retain for future invoice/titles reconciliation. Shi suggested to identify 9XX campus wanted to remove instead of remove all.

    • Shi would like to update the 599-9XX decision page on these field. Adam questioned whether Phase 4 decision page should be preserved, Hermina agreed

  • Remove 001 & 003: Adam suggest alternative using norm rule to remove

  • Stop protesting 506: approved and need to test

Additional testing needed?


  • Hermina will create a new page for 599-9XX

  • Remove 9XX: Campuses to review which 9XX local fields should be retained, then update the rule to remove the rest

  • Remove 001 & 003: Hermina will set in Sandbox for campuses to test; Shi will test if import with 001 MMSID will be impacted

  • 506: Will set to test in Sandbox


Work Plan Check-in


15 mins


Review https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/eW1FdG7U

What is done? Anything we should remove? Anything new to add? Next priorities?

Alison went through the https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/811xsu3X in All-Chairs as an example--interest in adding additional fields like that?


Didn’t get to this agenda item; defer until next meeting?


Parking Lot/additional discussion




  • Alma August release has five CZ “Managed by Community” collections where portfolios can be deleted by everyone

  • Interest in session answering questions on how campuses decide when or why to use CZ


Limited Search Functionality in Alma and Analytics

Sharing session idea - fun with the CZ? (Maybe in conjunction with e-res?)

Evaluate and refine WDU configuration



























The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu