2023-08-03 Meeting notes
@Adam Baron
@Marcia Barrett
@Catherine Busselen
@Shi Deng absent
@Ryan Finnerty (notes)
@TJ Kao , Vice Chair
@Yoko Kudo
@Cathleen Lu
@Latasha Means
@Hermine Vermeij, Chair
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Updates/announcements (Please add in advance) |
| 10 mins | All | Start recording! Hermine (UCLA) - I just got back from vacation. CJK reindexing seemed to go smoothly at UCLA. Ryan (UCSD) - working on a project to update very old mono records with fresh copies from WorldCat. This is uncovering a fair number of multi-matches in the NZ. Catherine (UCSB) - Has anyone been asked to work on Kanopy MARC record loading? I have an open ticket from my ERM to import the MARC records because this is meant to be handled by each campus due to individual campus URLs. The MARC records that were sent to me do not include OCLC numbers so would be going to our IZ only. This seems like a lot of overlap of work. Has this project been brought to RM or is it something that we can coordinate on so that we aren’t all doing it different ways and potentially leading patrons to ILL requests for something we all have access to? Cat (UCSF) - CJK reindexing went as expected. We had a handful of results to begin with from the testing character sets, and saw a jump in numbers after. Combined search isn’t working, and so we had disabled our Browzine publishing before reindex. Yoko - OARM-PT interim report has been submitted to OT. Comments are welcome by September 13 Marcia - UCSC has edited Campus ETD Procedures to accurately reflect our process. Adam (UCB) - Working on a project to recutter N’s to B’s.
| Everyone should check with their ERM people on how they handle Kanopy and then we can report back at a future meeting. It will be good to have Shi at the meeting for the SCP perspective. | @TJ Kao Will share Davis’s Kanopy procedures. Everyone should check on their local procedures for Kanopy Everyone should read and comment on the OARM-PT interim report by Sep 13, 2023 @Ryan Finnerty will check on how to identify O cutters that should be changed to A |
2 | Review action items |
| 5 mins | All | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/sBLun4Ru
| @Hermine Vermeij Sandbox update is coming soon. Hermine will check to see if all of our norm rules, etc. are backed up |
3 | CJK reindexing check-in |
| 5 mins | All |
4 | ETD Policy |
| 15 mins | All | It looks like master’s theses are not part of eScholarship and ProQuest. UCB’s intention is to take metadata from the digital collection for master’s theses and crosswalking it for loading into Primo, bypassing Alma. UCSF still tries to import MARC records since they contain all the degree and advisor information. The group created a document during Phase 4 for recommended fields and content for MARC records. It would be good to link to it from the policy document. | Reorganize the document so that it’s clear that all campuses have the eScholarship CDI collection and that they can do more locally if they choose. | @Hermine Vermeij will restructure the document to make the options clearer @Adam Baron will fix section 6 on the document |
5 | Review August release notes (available in PSB now) |
| 10 mins | All | https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Release_Notes/2023/Alma_2023_Release_Notes?mon=202308BASE - It’s a big one.
| Agree that Bibliographic Record Retention and Restricting Editing of Bibliographic Fields are worth taking a deeper look. |
6 | Additional discussion |
| 10 mins |
7 | Parking Lot |
8 |
| Total | /60 |
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