2022-07-21 Meeting notes
Jul 21, 2022 02:00-03:00 PM
@Adam Baron
@Marcia Barrett
@Shi Deng
@TJ Kao (notes)
@Yoko Kudo
@Cathleen Lu
@Latasha Means
@Elizabeth Miraglia , Chair
@Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)
@Catherine Busselen
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Updates/announcements (Please add in advance) |
| 10 mins |
| Hermine (UCLA)
Yoko (UCR)
| Let Liz know if you want to be the RM rep on the team ASAP |
2 | RM Feedback for the OA project team | Discuss proposed models for UC OA resource management, ask for campus feedback before 7/21
| 20 mins |
| Open Access Resource Management Project Team Marcia: According to Tamara Pilko, the co-chair of the task force, it is possible to use all three models for different scenarios. Locally, UCSC has been taking care of OA cataloging adhoc. UCLA: prefer to have SCP to take care of the big packages and locally load small ones. UCB: no bandwidth to support OA cataloging at the moment. UCM: no resource for OA cataloging UCI: no bandwidth and knowledge to tackle various decisions related to OA cataloging. Like the pilot idea. SCP: just recently compared the gap between CDL IZ and NZ, in terms of OA resources, found a few not in NZ. Will discuss at E-Resource Team on whether to activate CZ OA collections identified, or on activate CDI only collections which may require local campuses to register separately in addition. Liz: there was a clear priority list in terms of cataloging for SCP. Now it might be a good time to reprioritize. Shi: for single monographic title cataloging requests, SCP sends the request back to the campus. |
3 | Adding 520 fields to IZ-only records to exclude from the Discovery Network | Provide any updates from the DISC group, discuss pros/cons/use cases | 15 mins |
| The exact note in 520 will appear in Primo. Folks are wondering why the DDA record from UCSC shows in some campuses' Primo but not others'. It could be the different Primo configuration that contributes to the inconsistency. Marcia: UCSC has submitted a ticket on this issue back in January. Liz: UCSD used 899 in laptop bib records seemed to work but the odd phrase appears in Primo. Yoko: some group (Discovery?) is working on hosting a systemwide session on explaining how Discovery Network works. Local campus' Primo configurations: Campus Select Configurations | Maybe submit a new Salesforce ticket that focuses on this inconsistency. Bring some examples to discuss with Discovery Group about what happened and possible solutions. Talk to your colleague about what each campus can and want to do first. | Use UCSC records to test. Liz will follow up with Hermine, Marcia, and Adam for further exploration |
4 | UC/ExL Meeting for CJK Search results update |
| 5 mins |
| Meeting will be this coming Monday, July 25 10-11. Background page: Partially Resolved - Searching Alma/Primo for CJK languages | Feel free to forward the Zoom invite to colleagues who might be interested |
5 | Parking Lot/additional discussion |
| Limited Search Functionality in Alma and Analytics
Sharing session idea - fun with the CZ? (Maybe in conjunction with e-res?) Evaluate and refine WDU configuration |
6 |
| Total | /60 |
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