2024-06-06 Meeting notes
@Adam Baron
@Marcia Barrett, notes
@Catherine Busselen
@Shi Deng
@Ryan Finnerty
@TJ Kao, Vice Chair
@Yoko Kudo
@Cathleen Lu
@Latasha Means
@Hermine Vermeij, Chair
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
| |
1 | Updates/announcements (Please add in advance) | Share information | 10 min | All | Start recording! Hermine (UCLA)
Ryan (UCSD)
| ETD Coding in field 007: we will use all required subfields. Example: cr#un#|||||||| (copied from Alma) | Consider in the future - retention of 908 fields. We have a lot of 908 fields that indicate a change only to field 040.
2 | Review action items | Check in on action items | 5 mins | All |
| |
3 | Meridian demo debrief |
| 10 mins |
| We’re not interested in pursuing a system-wide license |
4 | Check in on local data |
| 10 min |
| https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1W9veEVN1Fq73NezDzWLPLEc7f3F246KVVmwWI83uJVU/edit?usp=sharing
5 | Review workplan |
| 10 min |
| Work Plan: Resource Management Review/update; prepare for transfer of power. |
6 | Upcoming meetings |
| 5 min | Hermine | June 20 - Hermine on vacation; TJ chairing meeting with CDL staff to discuss ETD records July 4 - Chair change-over + holiday |
7 | Additional discussion (if time) |
8 | Parking Lot |
| Alma CDI Link Matching Process Issues
| |
9 |
| Total | /60 |
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