2023-02-02 Meeting notes
Feb 2, 2023 02:00-03:00 PM
@Adam Baron
@Marcia Barrett
@Catherine Busselen
@Shi Deng
@TJ Kao
@Yoko Kudo
@Cathleen Lu
@Latasha Means
@Elizabeth Miraglia , Chair
@Hermine Vermeij, Vice-chair
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (notes)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Updates/announcements (Please add in advance) |
| 10 mins | All | Liz:
Yoko SILS OARM-PT is seeking feedback on the draft definition of open access and evaluation criteria for selecting an OA resource for inclusion in UC Library Search (UCLS): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NOx-v_3GTbBhTur4_Wx9R-1OeOG_0OSi6-t7S9EdPjo/edit?usp=sharing Shi: CDL Helpline will migrate from Footprints to Freshdesk, another ticket system. CDL Helpline will communicate to campuses soon. Primo is not indexing new records imported into the NZ this week. CDL staff is working with Ex Libris to identify the problem. Currently no estimated time to resolution. |
Campuses may want to do work-arounds such as importing to the IZ and sharing with the NZ |
2 | Analytics Reports from Idea Exchange |
| 10 mins | Liz | All chairs is asking the subteams to review this Idea Exchange suggestion: https://ideas.exlibrisgroup.com/forums/308173-alma/suggestions/40155142-ability-to-run-analytics-reports-on-alma-configura Deliverables for RM:
Campuses have not provided much feedback. Some staff feel they don’t know enough about configuration to have opinions on this. Interest in working towards harmonization as much as possible |
| Continue to provide feedback asynchronously through Feb. 9 at which point Liz will summarize and submit the RM-CMOS response |
3 | Rule changes |
| 10 mins | Liz | Review outstanding change requests: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/0F5UWuar | The following changes will be added to production before the Sandbox refresh late next week, Feb. 6-10
Copies of the rules still being tested will be moved to our Google drive so they will not be lost in the sandbox refresh after the refresh we will add the Remove fields with non-UC $5 codes rule to the allUC Normalization #1 & #2 for further testing in the sandbox | @Hermine Vermeij will add in production: Stop protecting 506 fields. @Catherine Busselen will add to production the changes to allUC MDE External Search Merge #1 @Hermine Vermeij will add to production the change to remove the extra 035 fields ONLY to allUC Normalization #2 @Hermine Vermeij will create a sandbox rules folder and copy the rules still undergoing testing in the sandbox there before the refresh @Hermine Vermeij & @Catherine Busselen will confirm the changes are made via slack @Elizabeth Miraglia will send a cohort message about the new rules changes (afternoon of Monday, Feb. 6) After the refresh we will test Remove fields with non-UC $5 codes rule as part of the allUC normalization rules |
4 | Work Plan Check-in |
| 10 mins | Liz | Review https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/eW1FdG7U
| Mark as complete: Update/Revise MARCIVE Import Profiles/Decision Page Bump up in priority: the non-GOBI shelf-ready records Will be useful to have coffee chat sessions of GOBI and non-GOBI shelf-ready workflows (perhaps followed later by vendor specific chats, on Cassalini, and others) | @Elizabeth Miraglia will set up a SILS coffee chat session on the GOBI shelf-ready workflows for sometime in February. |
5 | Parking Lot/additional discussion |
Limited Search Functionality in Alma and Analytics
Sharing session idea - fun with the CZ? (Maybe in conjunction with e-res?) Evaluate and refine WDU configuration
6 |
| Total | /60 |
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