2023-08-23 RS OST meeting notes

2023-08-23 RS OST meeting notes


  • @Kristen Van Vliet , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis (chair)

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Demitra Borrero , UC Merced

  • [] , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Dawson Kelly (UCSC) , UC Santa Cruz

  • @Judea D'Arnaud , UC San Diego

  • @Ryan White , UC San Francisco

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library (chair)

  • regrets: @Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside; @Amador, Alicia , UC Los Angeles

  • guest: Steven Burke, Ex Libris

Zoom URL: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/j/97976196284?pwd=K3MrREN2NUlGZmhEaGpBMzRRWFJmQT09


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







record meeting

make sure Jason records meeting





Call for Vice Chair volunteers or nominees

Raise temperature for vice chair search.



turning up heat…




NZ indexing anticipation

Consider ways to minimize negative impacts of the NZ reindexing. Guest Steve Burke

reindex is gradual/incremental, not everything down at once; records impacted one set at a time

Questions posed to SB:

Negative effects would not happen to every request, but might happen if patron/request hit a record that came under reindex during job

What might patrons experience when placing requests during this time? - issues would be hit or miss, just sometimes (only if patron hit a record that went under reindex). wouldn’t see full Network holdings & availability; request might fail within in primo ('request couldn’t be created) - might work at retry;

What might be the state of requests after reindex? (in back of my mind: many/all requests have gone 'lender of last resort'; requests awaiting AFN lender lookups ... other?)

AFN - full rota added, then locate removes partner → locate profiles use IZ indexes, so unlikely to have impact on AFN;

Could AFN requests negatively impact the speed/timing of the CJK reindex?

SB speculation: shouldn’t affect overall speed/timing of reindex; estimate minimal impact to reindex speed


Three impacts:

Patrons experience failure at time of request in primove (could retry later)

false positive AFN RS partners: unlikely to happen b/c locate profile use IZ indexes

What could UCs do to mitigate negative consequences? & How might we best go about implementing a mitigation?
Some ideas from our side: Turn off patron requesting (remove all RS/ILL forms from patron view in PrimoVE); turn off AFN partner (AFN lending) for one/some/all IZ(es)?



from 8/16/23 ExL/UC support meeting:

expect AFN to be “down” until the end of the reindexing - wholly dependent on shared records. Hit-or-miss ability to request, very disruptive to AFN workflow.

ACTION: Discuss AFN patron disruption for the weekend. A banner is probably proportional to the risk.

If a user can successfully submit a request, would that queue up normally? Steven: that would stay there like normal until…. either it’ll not get created or it’ll queue up like normal. The user should see an error if it doesn’t work.

  1. keep AFN partners on: pass (fist of five:4s & 5s)
  2. patron requesting messaging and/or turning off requesting, each campus decides individually & FYI RSOST: pass (fist of 5, 4s & 5s)
  3. after reindex, watch for weird stuff in queues, make SF cases for assistance: put all examples in one case reference reindexing parent case 06744528
  4. RS OSTers check in via listserv after reindex; tap SB for aug 30 meeting as needed



Followup on Analytics

Review outcomes from last week



digital lending numbers in gdrive


@Alison Ray (CDL) AMR make draft of 2023 stats instructions Aug 24, 2023

Wrap up

Review actions and decisions



reindexing borrowing request review: filter for creation date requests that include reindex time & a bit (week?) before → look if they have partner & call number, follow up on these requests that there’s activity for 2 weeks












Bike Rack

Capture important topics for future discussion




items being kicked out to WorldshareILL at end of ROTA even though we have those items in our catalog (Demitra)

[RS OST SC notes 5/1/23: hold for consideration post Tipasa implementation]: ‘pick up anywhere exceptions’: review shared messages, what would be next steps
metrics on how often ‘pick up anywhere’ requests have to be changed to home campus (Jason) → may lead to: editing pu loc for this requests → may lead to: harmonizing bookbands











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