2021-03-09 Meeting notes

2021-03-09 Meeting notes


Mar 9, 2021, 10am-11:30am


  • Lisa Ngo, UC Berkeley

  • Ellen Augustiniak, UC Irvine

  • Elizabeth Salmon, UC Merced

  • Sharon Shafer, UC Los Angeles

  • Michael Yonezawa, UC Riverside

  • Heather Smedberg, UC San Diego [Today’s Notetaker]

  • Josephine Tan, UC San Francisco (co-chair) [Today’s Timekeeper]

  • Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz (co-chair)

  • Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library

  • Chizu Morihara, UC Santa Barbara

Not attending

  • Jared Campbell, UC Davis

Discussion items

DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Updates from other SILS groups

Share relevant items

10 min



EUOS: they will be making a list of different places UC-eLinks are placed in preparation for our decision of what UC-eLinks will be renamed.

Checking in with EUOS and others for clarification on using wordmark designs in the interface proper. Some campuses have already started experimenting with placement in PrimoVE

  • Our timeline does have a line for this kind of work

  • We’ll want to consider where to put this in context of the interface, considering navigation within Primo and out to other pages, and the process for configuration




Configuration Recommendations Workbook

Decide which recommendations are ready for sign off

30 min


Configuration Recommendations Workbook

Discussion highlights:

Label for location: not clear to users. One option is to have three or five showing, so it becomes immediately clear to a user what location means. Could also change facet name, but want to avoid long descriptive label. Preference for the first option/approach if this facet is used.

Facets configurable by search profile slot. Facet group names will need to be the same, but you can choose to configure what shows differently across search profiles/slots.

Library Facet: some may choose not to display this. If you do, consider what to label it and how to order it in the display within the context of other the UC Libraries and Location facets.

Discussed usefulness, or not, of facets Location and Library. We have some first impressions, but will test on this during test phase.

Rename “Available Services,” to something more clear, like, “Check availability.” Note: The current workbook has this issue slightly misidentified/confused with another “May be Available” holdings/item language, elsewhere.

Relabel “Resource Sharing” to “Request through Interlibrary Loan.” Discussed the context of the other types of request links. Consult with the ILL and Fulfillment group: they’ve done thinking around this and one of the CDL developers created a “Request Lite” version that would help streamline this process for users.

ILL subgroup recommends using “enable without login” configuration option so that ILL links display as an option, before people have been signed in. The alternative is, people have to be logged in/authenticated before seeing the ILL link. Noted this will appear to all user groups, even those who do not have ILL permissions. Consider ease of use for main/majority of users vs. a bit of confusion for smaller groups like community users in making this decision. Consider adding helpful language under this link option: e.g., UCSC includes info about ILL service times. Other campuses could do this also, and/or add a bit about audience here.

MARC fields configuration decisions: LA/Berkeley working on some documentation from their local conversations, and will share. Irvine has similar, really helpful documentation for their current, production environment.


  • Remove Other Libraries

  • Use facet data drawn from Alma-already campus to help inform thinking, and review facet options during test phase.

  • Rename “Available Services” to “Check Availability” and test on this language. Update this area of the configuration documentation to clarify which issue this is addressing (not “may be available” issue).

  • Rename “Resource Sharing” to “Request through Interlibrary Loan” and test on this language.

  • Discovery FG may make some recommendations for Go-Live that harmonize, as well as others that end up reading like, “be sure to consider facet label order and name in context of other facets ____ and ____ .”

  • For more complete list of recommendations consult Configuration Recommendations Workbook for details and discussion and our decision page for Configuration Decisions for finalized decisions.

@Jess Waggoner will add new recommendations to our decision page for configuration decisions.

@Jess Waggoner will start a new document to track our shared knowledge discussions.


Testing Plan

What can we provide as an answer

20 min


Test Phase Timeline - skipped this agenda item due to time.





Boosting Planning

Discuss plans for boosting

15 min


Some testing scripts - could share information amongst ourselves, to help others in their own searching/configuration. Might include things like, find a local collection, find local holdings of books, etc. Will help locals campuses as they check whether their institution boosting levels are set to liking.


@Jess Waggoner will start a document


WorldCat Testing Planning

Discuss which campus will test what

15 min


  1. WorldCat in search profile scope: UCSD, UCSC, UCSF

  2. WorldCat only in Advanced search: UCB, UCSB

  3. WorldCat icon in results facet (Northwestern model seems to be 1 +3 ;and UCSF may do this)

Different campuses focus on different configuration options, bring this together and review. ILL/Fulfillment invested in this - include in discussions and testing.

Campuses decide and communicate which of these approaches you plan to set up for test phase.



Prepares team for next meeting







Parking Lot/Q&A

Save these issues for future discussion & comments



  • FRBR/Boosting

  • Main Menu (pull up config workbooks)

  • Facets

  • Libguides

  • Testing plan

  • Delivery and Fulfillment

  • Minimum Viable Product

  • WorldCat

  • Ebook ILL lending as it relates to discovery and limiting to availability.

  • UC-eLinks (re)naming

  • What will help links be called and where will they be in the interface?


  • SFX Journal Search Tool (moved notes to UC eLinks section)

  • Third party integrations

    • Browzine & LibKey

  • Ebook ILL lending: problematic with Melvyl; keep in mind to test in Test phase



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu