2021-05-04 Meeting notes
May 4, 2021, 10am-11:30am
Lisa Ngo, UC Berkeley
Jared Campbell, UC Davis
Ellen Augustiniak, UC Irvine
Elizabeth Salmon, UC Merced
Sharon Shafer, UC Los Angeles
Michael Yonezawa, UC Riverside
Heather Smedberg, UC San Diego [Today’s Notetaker]
Josephine Tan, UC San Francisco (co-chair) [Today’s Timekeeper]
Jess Waggoner, UC Santa Cruz (co-chair)
Sarah Houghton, California Digital Library
Chizu Morihara, UC Santa Barbara
Not attending
Discussion items
DISCOVERY VISION: We strive to design and implement the best possible discovery and delivery experience for our end users using data-driven decision making. We envision a network zone experience that will allow users to discover library materials across UC collections without sacrificing relevant results. As such, the default search and results interface should prioritize the success of typical users while providing additional functionality for more advanced users.
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Updates from other SILS groups | Share relevant items | 10 min | Josephine Jess Sarah | PPC: none of the other FG’s think that their group needs to be the C(onsulted) in our RACI for the Boosting Factors decision page ITS: co-chairs of Discovery, EUOS, and ITS meets this Wed to discuss possible Primo VE First Look session (statewide vs. local) FRBR - RMFG would like Discovery to author the decision page; RMFG will write the rules based on our recommendation; FRBR Best practices feedback from RMFG Notes/open questions:
No known timeline yet on when we will have resolution to these questions, but we will continue work on decision page/s as best we can without these answers. |
| @Jess Waggoner Jess will nudge ExLibris to answer an open question re: FRBR Suppression rules in IZ/NZ
2 | Renaming UC-eLinks | Discuss decision page | 25 min | All | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/BiK9mR61 Add dependencies to recognize local staff need time to add to tier 3/local databases and to ensure CDL and local staff time to test. Citation Linker tool currently links to SFX tool - if campuses still have this active on a website, or via lib guides, or bookmarked, people may find their way to the current tool post-go live for a little while. |
| @Jess Waggoner ? Add Fulfillment as a consultant group. And add 2 additional dependencies discussed today
3 | Basic WorldCat Discovery vs. Worldcat.org | Look at decision pages to determine next steps | 25 min | All | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/BmDvoQSm
https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/rZ0sgQ1b If you add v2 in your url - this is more accurate representation of how it will work (e.g. fewer clicks). Instructions are on this doc. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e2jN8zZqvF4C2hVd-1NEvKw3-5EKRt4SulgsiJYjI6E/edit Irvine used the available coding (stored in our Discovery Drive space https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TEQh_XEuKNfxXLm_rg4FZUHzgNEu3XrVyohyppzf3pM/edit?usp=sharing) to implement the button. Local feedback:
| @Heather Smedberg (Unlicensed) HS will update doc w/local links to include both versions. @Jess Waggoner Jess will talk with developer about ease of adding menu bar into the noted “dead end” page. all: continue to gather feedback from local groups. |
4 | Managing local fields for display, search, facet | Get ready for drafting decision page | 20 min | All | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZMCGLeHU6uTEuydRVsbLNtJhDZvJehvY5Umn9bdubhE/edit?usp=sharing | Move this discussion to next week for lack of time. |
5 | CDI | Re-framing the question of Easy Active vs. Fully Flexible | 10 min | All | Stemming from PPC mtg discussion on 4/30/21: “We may not have a real choice here, but we do need to understand the UX fallout for going with EA or ways to manage it so that UX is smooth.
If truly SILS is going with EasyActive - how best will each campus develop their workflow and how does Discovery fit in to this recommendation Local campus and DiscoveryFG responses: At one campus, the person who activated all the collections in fully flexible: is extremely time consuming and requires specialized knowledge of the collections: if we go from FF->EA will be much less time consuming/easier. Provide better results because there is so much that’s available. Our follow up recommendation will likely be a set of recommendations/rationales to help inform local campus about the implications of deciding whether to Limit By Availability, or not. |
6 | Check Ins | Discuss updates/problems/testing |
| All | Berkeley Fulfillment had asked other groups about harmonizing language around request and fulfillment, and has not had responses. |
| all: please do a local check in with our fulfillment teams about this. |
7 | Next Meeting | Prep for next meeting |
8 | Parking Lot/Q&A | Save these issues for future discussion & comments |
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