2020-07-28 Meeting notes

Jul 28, 2020 03:10-04:30 PM

Zoom: contact chair for link and password


  • @Belinda Egan (Unlicensed)

  • @Hermine Vermeij

  • @Jean Dickinson (Unlicensed) (notes)

  • @Latasha Means

  • @Martha McTear (Unlicensed)

  • @Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Shi Deng

  • @TJ Kao

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Elizabeth Miraglia (chair)

Not attending

@Cathleen Lu


Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome









10 mins



Update from CDL in NZ subgroup, including order of NZ loading change.

The CDL subgroup met with ExLibris to review options for loading SCP data and it became clear that the original loading plan would cause significant duplication that would likely have significant impacts on other groups and make it difficult to test various workflows. It was decided that SCP data will be loaded into an unlinked IZ at the outset of the Vanguard and that SCP will use existing “Alma Tools” in order to make connections between their data and the NZ/CZ. They will have to review each collection individually.

Since the order of NZ loads has already been submitted to ExLibris and since extracts are due Friday, there isn’t time now to revise NZ load order but we will take a look before go-live especially once there is a final decision on how to handle SCP data.

Campus data won't link to SCP data during NZ loading. We'll need to talk to our stakeholders and do a lot of testing.

UCSD will be working with SCP on testing their original proposed method of loading/cleanup since they will be loading SFX data and sending e-resource bibs through P2E.




Configuration questions

Field questions/comments on configuration and harmonization for Vanguard

50 minutes


Other areas for potential harmonization based on the form?

  1. For subfield indicators, the double dagger is preferred by this group, rather than double dollar signs. n.b. Alma’s double dagger is not the same as OCLC’s double dagger though, watch out... But if it’s just a display issue, then maybe we can decide to leave that up to the campuses.

  2. There is a difference between NZ (Network Zone) Administration, and NZ Access. How this will work is under discussion now; it will be a big policy decision. (For example, OCLC updates will be impacted.) 




OCLC updates during Vanguard


30 mins


  1. We would need one campus to be the one receiving the OCLC updates, set up an import file/collection in WorldShare, and process the updates for everybody. Then push those into the NZ. 

    1. SCP won’t have the bandwidth to do this.

    2. The campus that does this would get Administrative permissions.

    3. Maybe we could: leave off the electronic resource holdings, decide what formats to be dealt with, etc., and then see which Go-live operations are affected.

    4. UCLA has several people who are very much against having the OCLC updates (for example, some Special Collections people and some authority control people [especially people who work with series]). UCLA is setting up a subgroup of their local Resource Management group, that will be devoted to authority control.

  2. We talked about: we could test this in the Vanguard. We could try out a small collection with no SCP, and see. THUS: which campus volunteers to do this for the Vanguard?? (Orbis Cascade has some good information on this: https://www.orbiscascade.org/alma-daily-bib-record-updates/  It was confirmed with Orbis that they do not receive duplicate updates for records held by multiple campuses, so if 10 Orbis institutions own a resource they don’t get 10 updated copies if the record changes.)



Future agenda items

mapping for 700/7XX fields

using 005 fields during migration?

OCLC update service during Vanguard?



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