2021-1-29 IT Meeting Notes

2021-1-29 IT Meeting Notes


Date: Jan 29, 2021

Time: 1-2pm

Location: Zoom (See calendar invitation or inquire with Chair for Zoom details)


  • @Peter Soriano (Unlicensed) (Berkeley)

  • @Josephine Tan (Unlicensed) (San Francisco)

  • @Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) (Santa Cruz; co-chair)

  • @Brian David (Unlicensed) (CDL; co-chair)

  • @Sylvia Page (Unlicensed) (Los Angeles)

  • @Turnbow (San Diego; co-chair)

  • @Erika Quintana (Riverside) (Step B+)

  • @Bonnie Hain-Anderson (Unlicensed) (Davis)

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson (SSM)

  • @Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) (PM)

  • @Elizabeth McMunn-Tetangco (Unlicensed) (Merced) (Step B+)

  • @Antoinette Avila (Unlicensed) (Irvine) (Step B+)

  • @Catherine Busselen (UCSB) (Step B+)



Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Consent to Record


2 min






Volunteering Availability (Standing Item)

Track who is available to volunteer to work on tasks outside of meeting over the next week.



Members please prepopulate with your availability.

  • BD - Thursday PM and Friday AM

  • BH - Tues & Wed PM, Thurs all day

  • EMT - Mon before 1pm; Tues after 1pm

  • AA - Wed morning before 12pm

  • PS - Tuesday

  • EQ - Mon AM; Friday AM

  • JT - Tues after 1pm




Upcoming Events (Standing Item)

Create awareness around upcoming tasks/events

3 mins


Updated Work Plan:

  • 1/29 - Primo VE Config training “due”

  • 2/5 - Config form due

  • 2/8 - Advanced Resource Management q’s due




Subgroup Round-up

Hear from each of the subgroups

15 mins

Brian & Sylvia

Infohub Update

  • Access Restrictions

    • Probably won’t be possible to restrict access to just the UCs, even with a paid version of confluence.

      • Personally identifiable information can be blocked out or removed

      • Could have a mascot record that is used for examples

Going to continue with Confluence understanding we’ll need to give guidance to people using the system.



Announcements (Standing Item)


20 mins


  1. Melvyl is planned to sunset on go-live.

  2. Sandbox Discussion w/ ExL

    1. The generic sandbox used for exercises is the only one available until go live. (premium sandboxes should be available at go live)

    2. There is a 30 person limit on the sandbox.

      1. Actually, this is only if 30 people are trying to do the exact some function, there might be errors. No real limit

    3. Potential for access to the Primo VE Testing site. Local campus training subgroup will investigate further.

  3. Accessibility Question

    1. We’ve asked for guidance from the PMs about the expected level of accessibility to websites, trainings, workshops, etc for the SILS project. Want to make sure we have the resources to meet the accessibility guidance and that the SILS project as a whole is prepared to meet any additional accessibility needs.

    2. Zoom live captioning

  4. Spring Workshops

    1. UCSB or UCD

    2. UCSC or UCR or UCI

    3. Decide which campus’s environment we want the workshop to be done in

      1. UCSC: Suggestion from our IC rep that the ICs discuss this

Would be nice to have a date specified that configurations won’t be happening anymore so that people can get screenshots for training materials. Maybe cutover?



Parking Lot from this meeting










62/60 min





Future agenda items

Review/signoff on final work plan being



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu