2023-01-09 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • In progress
  • 2023-01-09 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone

    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong


    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)


    Desired Outcome







    Desired Outcome








    Review previous notes and tasks



    @Ellen Augustiniak

    • Happy new year!

    • Welcome, Akshay!

    • SILS-LG endorsed a timeline extension for this project team - to May 01.


    Current practice survey check in

    • Update and discussion

    • Deadline for draft survey instrument/approach (for entire team’s feedback) is Tues 17 Jan.


    Survey subteam (Chan, John, Lisa)

    • Draft survey available: Team Google Drive - Google doc.

    • Desired outcome for survey: Understand current campus practices and analytics queries in Alma Analytics; determine where in-scope data isn’t presently being pulled/generated from Alma and what alternative approach is being used. Where Alma isn’t being used for in-cope data reporting, also want to understand why. Questions also seek to understand challenges and potential local inconsistencies. This information will inform our harmonization work and how we proceed (if certain categories/reporting is already somewhat aligned; where more conversation/exploration is needed to determine if/how to harmonize, etc.).

    • Who will fill out the form? Each campus rep (on the project team) will be responsible for local distribution of the survey/form; the assumption is that no one campus rep can answer all survey questions. The instrument design (how each campus completes the form) will need to reflect this.

    • The instructions included with the survey instrument should consider/reflect different data reporting perspectives --- how/what to respond with if you’re sharing the approach for a subset of your campus collections (e.g., Law, Health Sciences, Affiliates) vs. the general campus collections (for some campuses, all collections are reported as General campus collections).

    • Edit: Where the form requests the query from Alma Analytics, the team will add examples to inform how folks structure their data/response. One example could be of an Alma Analytics response; another example could provide a structure for if folks pull the data from a non-Alma-Analytics approach, e.g., advanced Alma searches.

    • DN did an explore of an Alma Analytics report shared by UCSC; this approach is a deep dive (looking at all facets/aspects). For survey, we want to collect data at one level of abstraction higher (still gathering specifics - like understanding the tables, fields, major filters used - but not asking folks to share/dive into the SQL; we’ll do that once we identify potential approaches we’d like to explore for harmonization).

    • In survey, where systemwide (CDL/shared collections) collections are counted, we might want to ask specifically about how shared collections are included (e.g., eBooks, ejournals) or provide an example to ensure we capture/understand how CDL/shared collections are currently captured in reporting. The subteam can consider this more.


    Action: Based on this conversation/discussion, the subteam (@Lisa Wong @John Riemer @Chan Li) will revise and continue working on the survey questions. They’ll also consider what instrument to use and will submit a recommendation to the team with the revised questions.

    Harmonization analysis check in

    • Entire team updated,

    • deadlines confirmed,

    • Next subteam membership confirmed


    Harmonization subteam

    • Subteam completed initial step/analysis (in-scope) prior to the start of winter break.

    • From our work plan, with the in-scope data identify, we now need to devise a plan in order to “expand definitions and explain harmonization options and expected barriers, paths forward, etc. Identify stakeholder groups and roles (consult vs. inform).” Also outline how we will consider ARL, ACRL/IPEDS, CEAL for proposing data requirement changes, definition refinements, and harmonization work broadly.

    • For this subteam, the next effort/step is to develop a plan for how to analyze/refine our definitions and data requirements; begin identifying who to consult with and potentially doing some outreach.

    • Deadline for draft plan is Mon 23 Jan.



    Action: The small group (@Michele Potter @Sarah Sheets @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed) @Danielle Westbrook) will check back in amongst themselves to confirm everyone can still work on this task for developing a proposed plan (Michele and Danielle are already confirmed). They’ll also consider whether they want to ask more folks to participate. Group membership will be confirmed by Jan 13, 2023
    The Harmonization subgroup will begin scheduling meets to devise a plan.

    Wrap up

    Review actions and decisions







    Parking Lot

    Capture important topics for future discussion







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