2021-1-7 IT-SC Meeting Notes

Date: Jan. 7, 2021

Expected Length: 9-10am

Location: Zoom (See calendar invitation or inquire with Chair for Zoom details)


  • @Turnbow (San Diego; co-chair)

  • @Brian David (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

  • @Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) (PM)

  • @Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) (co-chair)

Not attending:

  • @Caitlin Nelson (SSM)

Prior to Meeting:



Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Desired Outcome

Time (mins)






Check-in / Items to add to agenda? (recurring)




Review the previous action items:

KR - Won’t be able to attend our 1/14 meeting as I have a once a month conflict




PM update

Get caught up on PM stuff



Buddy system




Ex Libris report (recurring)




Report from last Tuesday (https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/Z4VaWnv5) and ask any questions for Thursday

Question for IT on FAQ document

Joanna will share document Neil shared at PM meeting about buddy system

Spring Workshop Dates - Confirm these are ready to send to Ex Libris:

  • April 19-23 - UCSB and UCD

  • April 26-30 - UCSC, UCR, and UCI

  • May 10-15 - Network Zone

  • Need Ex Libris to pick a week for the Primo VE Training - closer to go live is better

  • Agenda is still outstanding

Future IT meeting conversation: what are your expectations for how long this group will continue work? How long are you available?

@Joanna Kang (Unlicensed) take these dates to ExL

Upcoming Events (recurring)

Know what’s coming up and assign work


Brian (and team)

Work Plan

  • 1/7 - Configuration Overview meeting

  • 1/14 - Print-A-Palooza

  • 1/21 - Electronic Resources Q&A




SILS FAQ addition

Review and approve the question for posting



At SILS Chairs meeting we were asked to add a question to the SILS FAQ_Dec. 2020 Refresh document (in Google Drive) to be added to the . We were asked to have something by mid-January.

Where can I access training materials? How will library staff outside the SILS cohort be trained on use of Alma and Primo VE?

A variety of training opportunities is currently in planning. Training will look different on each campus. To stay up to date on our training offerings, you can visit our Internal Training confluence page.

There is a wide variety of training material available both from Ex Libris and our Internal Training team. Below are some useful links to help you get started. If you have more specific questions, you can email our Internal Training team at: SILS-TOC-STAFF-TRAINING-L@listserv.ucop.edu




January SILS Town Hall

Decided on if we want to present



Possible we could give the same presentation we gave to the Working Group before break.

January town hall is for UC wide staff. February is for only SILS members.

can offer a short presentation.

KR will edit presentation
@Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) respond to Adrian

January 13th Chairs Meeting

Finalize ask to FGs for training documentation



Ask to FGs about training documentation

  • Draft email & Accessibility document

    • If emailed out before, could have a better discussion , perhaps the monday before

  • Need about 5 mins to present, then Q&A time


@Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) will reach out to PMs about presentation & Slack channel (Internal training questions)

Weekly Training Emails




Primo VE trainings

  • Need clarification about who attends which Primo training session

  • Workplan lists: Primo VE Essentials, Primo VE configuration

  • Need to draft emails and pick dates

Alma / Primo VE Certification

  • Need to draft emails and pick dates

Alma Essentials Trainings updated by Ex Libris - Email to cohort about the udpated change. ~ Ask team members to draft an email


@Katie Ritchey (Unlicensed) will draft emails once Ex Libris responds to questions
@Brian David (Unlicensed) ask team members to draft email about alma essentials training



Agenda for IT

Prepare agenda for this week’s meeting



Forming subgroups

  • Training Hub Platform - Dominique, Katie, Sylvia, Antoinette

  • use friday’s meetings to update on work completed

  • one chair in each of three areas

  • remember that B+ members would not be required to join these subgroups




Parking Lot




  1. Get clarity on the CDL / Network Zone proposal if needed:

    1. Discuss at future IT meeting

    2. intended audience - CDL staff / anyone working in the NZ.

      1. May need a registration process so we make sure we don’t overbook

      2. Consider giving priority to CDL staff Questions

        1. possibly slack channel

      3. What is the Zoom limit?

        1. UCOP = 300?

        2. UCLA = 500?







60 / 60 min





The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu