2023-08-21 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes
  • In progress
  • 2023-08-21 10 am AASA-PT Meeting Notes


    • CDL @Daisy Nip

    • CDL @Danielle Westbrook

    • CDL @Gem Stone-Logan

    • Berkeley: @Chan Li (Steering Committee)

    • Davis: @Alison Lanius

    • Irvine: @Ellen Augustiniak (Steering Committee)

    • LA: @John Riemer

    • Merced:@Sarah Sheets

    • Riverside:@Michele Potter (Steering Committee)

    • Santa Barbara: @akshayagrawal

    • Santa Cruz:@Lisa Wong

    • San Francisco: @Susan Boone


    • San Diego: @Heather Hernandez (Unlicensed)

    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator




    Item & Desired Outcome

    Time & Facilitator






    Review previous notes and tasks

    5m - Ellen




    Title counts - Process for making decision

    30m - @Ellen Augustiniak and guests (Mark Hemhauser, @Adam Baron )

    Resource Management input

    • There are several approaches regarding how to generate title counts for third-party reporting. Current approach in the Prototype uses Normalized title, which is in alignment with ARL and ACRL reporting expectations. See decision page for Statistics: Title Counts

    • Could run by MMSID, Normalized Title or Normalized Title + other criteria. Each approach has pros/cons through discussion, hope to reach consensus as a group.

    • RM/expert input (UCB) --- There are challenges with using Normalized title to de-dup; additional variables can be brought in, but it increases the complexity of the query and still yields imperfect results. Accounting for all of the potential variables is impossible - won’t ever be truly accurate (the approach will dedup items that should remain distinct in the count; and it won’t dedup items that are true duplicates).

      • RM experts have been focusing on MMSID; cataloguing using the same record.

      • Problems do arise with eResources (provide access through CZ, OCLC records, etc.), which negatively impacts title counts. Again - will have accuracy issues.

    • Nothing will be truly accurate; use of MMSID is consistent and simplified approach (not relying on many potential variables).

    • Additional feedback

      • Normalized title doesn’t handle print and microform items that are connected.

      • Vendor supplied records (non-OCLC, non-provider neutral); particularly for affiliate libraries, there is significant overcounting.

      • Some campuses are reloading locally what’s already been loaded by SCP into the NZ.

      • At present, Alma Analytics will not permit us to do title level reporting for each campus that accounts for IZ holdings and NZ access.

      • There is some intentional duplication, for local and systemwide record management. We know quality of vendor records varies and there are inconsistencies across portfolios.

      • Resource Management and SCP are also already looking into specific examples of known duplication, to address that.

    • Gut check: MMSID is easiest/most consistent. Acknowledge duplication - which can be significant for affiliates and other local perspectives.

      • For eR, title count is more so (or more often) a record count.

    Decision: Let’s pursue MMSID for the UCL/UCOP prototype.


    @Ellen Augustiniak will update the applicable decision page to reflect this discussion and change to MMSID. Ellen will also consider potential scope for the extent to which affiliates might need a different approach for isolating title-level counts (to determine whether there are two tracks for title-level reporting: MMSID for systemwide approach; Normalized Title, for smaller affiliates with many vendor records).
    @Daisy Nip will update title-level reporting to use distinct MMSID. This will still be part of v8.

    Next iteration of the Team

    10m - @Ellen Augustiniak

    • Ellen will need to cycle off the AASA-PT; new chair is needed for next phase.

    • AASA-PT Steering is revising/extending the AASA-PT charge (a new phase of work; but not entirely re-establishing the team).

    Decision: Let’s transition to a bi-weekly meeting (due to holidays, next meeting is Sept. 11)

    Decision: Everyone will consider serving as chair or in a steering/leadership position.

    @Ellen Augustiniak will resend the calendar invite, changing to bi-weekly.



    Wrap up - Review actions and decisions

    1m @Danielle Westbrook





    Parking Lot - Capture important topics for future discussion







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