2023-11-09 Meeting notes
@Adam Baron
@Marcia Barrett
@Catherine Busselen
@Shi Deng
@Ryan Finnerty
@TJ Kao , Vice Chair
@Yoko Kudo (out)
@Cathleen Lu
@Latasha Means (notes)
@Hermine Vermeij, Chair
@Sarah Wallbank (Unlicensed)
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 | Updates/announcements (Please add in advance) | Share information | 10 mins | All | Start recording! Hermine (UCLA) Ryan (UCSD)
| CDL/SCP: Gem will also be looking into this and may contact campuses for testing/more info.
| CDL may have to ask our RM team if they can create brief records - campuses should think about whether this would work on their campuses.
All members - think about what impact would this have on your campus? |
2 | Review action items | Check in on action items | 5 mins | All | https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/cp/sBLun4Ru
3 | Expanded NZ Access Proposal | Finalize? | 10 mins | Hermine | https://docs.google.com/document/d/14ir7GVOh0M0dz-9tJyF_x-fFLpIvugkA3n4imkeMzEU/edit?usp=sharing
All members should review the final draft of the proposal for one last round of edits. |
4 | Local notes in NZ |
| 15 mins | All | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gBr2LtuEgTcQ-eB1KgxXAA77h3axGOwPip2cld7GyJw/edit?usp=sharing From Adam: In reviewing the 590 fields, we have discovered some records where the 505 fields have been corrected in OCLC, but the original 590 fields were retained in Alma (e.g., MMS ID 9912356016406531 & 9912440680706531) because they are protected by the merge rules. Since existing 590 fields should be cleaned up, new 590 fields should not be added to NZ records, and local extensions are protected by default, I would like to propose that we remove the 59X protection in the allUC merge rules.
Possible action for Hermine -- add this to the list of Merge Rule change requests - maybe we can enable this in the sandbox, do a test with Worldcat updates in the Sandbox. Hermine – send out email regarding 590’s next week.
5 | Authority control | Start discussion | 15 mins | All | Brain dump of background: Authority Control in the NZ Next steps? |
6 | Additional discussion |
| 5 mins |
| Next meeting: December 7 |
7 | Parking Lot |
| Alma CDI Link Matching Process Issues Plan for dashboard sharing session (speakers: Catherine Busselen, Ryan Finnerty, Lisa Wong, maybe Gem Stone-Logan) |
| Hermine – send out a message to the presenters. |
8 |
| Total | /60 |
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