2024-11-07 Meeting notes

2024-11-07 Meeting notes


  • @Adam Baron

  • @Marcia Barrett

  • @Catherine Busselen , Vice chair

  • @Shi Deng

  • @Yoko Kudo

  • @Cathleen Lu

  • @Elizabeth Richey (Unlicensed), notes

Regrets: @Hermine Vermeij @TJ Kao @Ryan Finnerty


Desired Outcome










Desired Outcome










Updates/announcements (Please add in advance)

Share information

10 min.


Start recording!


  • Will be out again on November 21. Shall we skip or reschedule the meeting?

  • Alma’s AI Metadata Assistant: CDL and all campuses, except for UCI and UCM, have expressed support for turning this feature on in Sandbox. TJ will ask Gem to turn it on.


  • From All Chairs meeting: discussion about use of Decision pages vs. Policy and Practice Pages; not always clear when to use which and what Decisions warrant a Decision page vs a Decisions note in meeting notes; I think RM has done a good job of making sense of these but open to hearing other perspectives


  • Unless something urgent comes up, we will skip Nov. 21 meeting






ETD records

Continuing discussing ProQuest ETD MARC records specs

30 min.




  • How will the workflow for updating from Alma to eScholarship be like?

    • We are still waiting to set up profile with OCLC for this collection and see how we can get a notification for updates

    • We would need to set up specific query collection with separate OCLC profile from the one we have now

    • Shared Cataloging Program is working on this, but will first need finalized record file

    • It generally takes a month to set it up, but then should update weekly

  • What mechanism is needed to make it happen?

    • Do we need an ftp location for updates?

    • How specific can we get with query collections so that we only get ETD records? We could also do a logical set in Alma that is limited to ETDs

    • We will need to have a conversation with OCLC to find out what our options are

    • We might be able to set up an API or use an Alma workflow

    • If we did use Alma, what would be the mechanism for us to gather files? That could be a discussion for next time

    • We could use Alma and data sync collection together: data sync to send records to OCLC, Alma to get updates

    • Information about data sync collections: About data sync collections

  • Comments on ETD samples

    • 024 fields

    • Punctuation and hex codes

    • We may want to develop a task list for clean-up

    • How do the hex codes display? We don’t see them in Alma and Primo. They may show up in OCLC

    • Spaces before commas

    • 506 for embargo

  • 024 field ark identifiers: the pattern should be 024 second indicator 8 $aark

  • 506 field: we will leave it up to each campus to update their Primo display

  • TJ will send feedback

  • Shi will look into this and communicate back to this group





OCLC Sandbox holdings

Determine if additional action is needed for this group

10 min.


See TJ’s 2024-10-18 email

Question: What action shall we take?

  • Option 1. If all campuses decide to take the same action, TJ will check with Resource Sharing OST about their implementation plan and see what we can do about synchronizing the holdings for now.

  • Scenario 2. Each campus decides their own action (or non-action) plan (e.g. UCD will very likely ask OCLC to delete the SBCUV holdings to avoid confusion)

  • For now, we don’t need to deal with this immediately. If it comes up, we will go through Resource Sharing






Check in on local data (if time allows)


5 min.








Parking Lot





Review updated Authority Control in the NZ








50 min.









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