2025-01-02 Meeting notes
@Marcia Barrett , notes
@Catherine Busselen , Vice chair
@Ryan Finnerty
@TJ Kao , Chair
@Tricia Lampron
@Cathleen Lu
@Hermine Vermeij
@Shi Deng @Adam Baron @Yoko Kudo
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions |
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1 | Updates/announcements (Please add in advance) | Share information | 10 min. | All | Start recording! Welcome new member from UCI: Tricia Lampron UCD:
9xx Fields in NZ Records:
2 | GovDoc records | How to get and local these records into NZ | 20 min. | All | 2024-09-25 OCLC webinar on how to get WorldCat records for GovDoc The UCSD Marcive profile is configured for all ER. We will take the entire set of ER Gov Doc records. Ryan thinks SCP does not have a WorldShare Management Account, so a campus would need to set up and manage the collection profile. Any desired edits can be configured in the collection profile OR we could use norm rules to make needed batch edits upon import to Alma. CDL Operations would need to retrieve the files eCAUG is investigating a solution using a CZ collection but several things need to be worked out first. See https://sites.google.com/view/ecaug/govdocs-work | After we’ve figured out the variables, we’ll create a new Decision Page. | @TJ Kao will ask SCP if they have a WorldShare account to set up the collection and ask CDL Ops to set up the import profiles. |
3 | Parking Lot |
| ETD records (we will revisit this topic at the next meeting) https://docs.google.com/document/d/18_pZKpvg4KKShzyqrbwqP2p8Cf0SkC_wlfgxxGo2UzM/edit?usp=sharing Review updated Authority Control in the NZ |
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4 |
| Total | 50 min. |
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